Thursday, October 15, 2009


Para EFY de Guatemala

Me encuentro frente a ustedes el día de hoy para dar testimonio de que sé que Dios vive, y esa es la verdad más grande de todas las verdades! Nuestro Salvador vive. ¡Él vive!Él los ama y los conoce. Él los conoce mejor de lo que ustedes mismos se conocen. Él sabe las tensiones de la vida diaria, conoce sus dificultades, sus esperanzas, sus obstáculos, su amor y gozo, conoce sus defectos y sus sueños.Doy testimonio que si ponen su confianza en Él, Él no les fallará. Al poner a Dios como prioridad en su vida, todas las cosas obrarán para nuestro bien. Estas caerán en su debido lugar o serán quitadas de su vida. A pesar de las pruebas que puedan venir en la vida, Él no los dejará caer. Él los fortalecerá a través del fuego purificador. Él quiere que ustedes triunfen. Les ayudará lograr cada deseo justo de su corazón si tan solo confían en Él. Les ruego que vayan a Él. Abran sus corazones y vean todo lo bueno que Él ha puesto ante ustedes.Sé que Él dirige nuestros caminos y teje la tapicería de nuestras vidas. Estoy tan agradecida porque mi vida los incluye a ustedes. Me siento tan afortunada por la oportunidad que nuestros caminos se cruzaran, personas tan maravillosas como ustedes. Los he llegado a amar mucho, como si fueran mis hermanos y hermanas. Oro para que ustedes también hayan sentido esa unión familiar durante este tiempo, en especial la unión con nuestro hermano mayor, Jesucristo.Doy testimonio que los grandes principios de este evangelio son verdaderos. El Libro de Mormón es la palabra de Dios. José Smith vivió y restauró el evangelio. Thomas S. Monson es el profeta viviente, vidente y revelador, él les ama, ora por ustedes. Él, los grandes apóstoles y sus increíbles líderes ruegan por su bienestar cada día. Ellos oran para que puedan seguir los consejos y mantenerse en el sendero de la rectitud.A pesar que mi tiempo aquí ha sido corto, jamás lo olvidaré. Muchos grandes milagros me han dado la oportunidad de estar frente a ustedes hoy y siempre estaré agradecida por ellos. Siempre tendré estos recuerdos en mi corazón. Quiero que sepan que sé que el evangelio es verdadero. Los amo. El Salvador les ama. Oro para que ese conocimiento penetre sus corazones. Digo estas cosas en el nombre de Jesucristo, Amén.

Monday, September 28, 2009

My Hero

Garrett Elbert, who will forever by my adopted little brother

Through the years, we have all changed, grown, and come far in life. But no one has become a greater example in my life than this kid.
We met and became quick friends in 2006 when we grew a common dream to serve in Guatemala. Many people helped with the endeavor, but Garrett let it change his life.

I will never forget the plane ride home from our first time down here and the conversations that took place. Realizing how much he'd been through, and how he got to where he was. To be able to have just had the once in a lifetime experiences we had just had and knowing without a doubt that Heavenly Father's hand was in all we do. In the smiles we put on children's faces, the embraces from grateful mothers, and the bright light burning from our hearts when we realized our potential to serve those around us. How can anyone deny Him? I am so grateful for Him crossing our paths, and letting me meet my little brother and great friend.

Since that experience I have seen him grow so much! I have never met someone with such a pure heart and desire to give everything he has to serve those around him. He has made the decision to serve an LDS mission and I couldn't be more proud of him!

Love ya Bestie!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Heaven on Earth:


Today my heart has been burning more than ever with love for these people. They have truly become my own.

I have had the opportunity to spend time amongst them for the past two summers and it is the best thing I have done with my life thus far.

I LOVE GUATEMALA! The cobblestone streets, tanned faces, brown eyes, homemade tortillas, misty greenery, rain downpours, cilantro, giggling kids, and so much more. It is my home away from home. I can't get enough of it.

This picture depicts my favorite memory in Guatemala.
I had just arrived at a Guatemalan Orphanage. I swooped up a young girl in my arms and was amazed at her health condition; she was light, too light. She was malnourished, beaten, bruised, and left for dead. I carefully spun her around and watched in awe as she threw her head back to giggle. I remember being hit with the realization that she was in my care; I was helping her to laugh, to feel loved. I had walked into her life and left her better than I found her. I knew that I could make a difference; no feeling can replace or come close to that of service.
This picture was the first time she smiled.

Since last August I have been aching to be there again and I am so grateful for my upcoming opportunity. Through many prayers and miracles I have been blessed with the upcoming opportunity to help with their first EFY as a Health Counselor. I couldn't be more thrilled! :)

I would like to bare testimony of Heavenly Father's hands in our lives. There have been so many miracles in my life and my experience with this wonderful place has been one of the most impactful. They are my brothers and sisters. And my heart is ALWAYS with them.

Yo Soy Chapin

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I literally would not have made it through the past year without this girl! She is my right hand woman. :) She has become my sister friend and so much more.

Through all the grueling ups and downs of the Paramedic program Britt has been there for me and I couldn't be more grateful. We've been on the rollercoaster together. She can always put a smile on my face and ease the workload with fun adventures!

Haha, we are so alike in some ways and in others we couldn't be more different. Yet people mix us up all the time, so we are officially called 'Brinsay'.

We have had some amazing memories over the year, and she is one thing I will miss most about BYU-Idaho. But she is a friend I'll keep for life. :) She will be an amazing medic and I am so proud of her for working so hard despite all the hardships in life.

Thanks for savin my life B! :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

"What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies."

On September 6th 2007 Parker Scott Jeppesen changed my life :)

Since it happened a little over two years ago, it's been on my mind this week and I wanted to take the chance to focus on the blessings that have come into my life because of that day.

On September 3rd 2007 I was putting in my two weeks notice at Lee's Marketplace to move up to BYU-Idaho for my first semester. I knew of Park but had never really spent any time with him. He was starting work and still training. I remember taking my till to the checkstand next to him and feeling an 'emotional breath of fresh air' for lack of better words just being around him and laughing. He asked how to ring up pistachios and the rest was history :) It was like coming home. We all became quick friends and in a short period of time I cared for the Bristol boys as my own family.

It never mattered what we were 'doing', it was about the company and the memories. Mark Soffe became the older brother I never had (to this day I believe he gives the best hugs in the world), Mckay Nuttall could put a smile on your face no matter the situation, James Rohwer is one of the hardest workers I've ever met, and Parker taught me what it is to be pure in heart and to always look forward in life with a smile on your face.
I have never met a person with such a big heart, ability to include ANYONE, and to find the joy in every moment. I remember being sad during my first semester of college for missing Lauren's first date and dance. Without me having to say two words, He was on my porch with the comrades and baseball bats in tow, showing her date who was boss. :) It meant so much more to me than he will ever know.

Since that day he has only continued to amaze me. He is now serving an LDS mission in Hong Kong and I couldn't be more proud of him. He is constantly finding ways to improve in his life, create memories, and lift those around him. He never stops to think of himself. He is constantly moving forward and doing as he is asked. I am proud of him for being obedient in every aspect, big or small, for showing and feeling respect for those around him, and for always giving more than is required.

He is such an example to me and always will be. I will forever be grateful for the Bristol boy who changed my life. :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Oh Remember Remember

I have been contemplating areas in my life I'd like to improve on, and one of them continual optimism. To be able to see the hand of the Lord in every moment of every day.

Today I'd like to focus on my Mom.

While writing this and looking through pictures, It made me sad to realize how few there are of just the two of us, but this defines her. She's the one with the camera. The one silently doing her work, never taking credit, and always thinking of others.

I owe every sense of service I have to her. She has drilled into my mind and soul a sense of propriety, respect for those around me, and a love for laughing.

It is in her arms I think of when I hear the word comfort, even as a 20 year old. She will always be my safe haven, my shoulder to cry on, and the first person I call with good news.
I miss being able to lay on her bed when I come home and discuss life and its happenings. I miss her Gardenia lotion. I miss the twinkle in her eye and her teasing. I miss her ease for making any stranger feel at home. I even miss flopping around in the pool with her at water aerobics. :)

I want her to know that I love her, am proud of her, look up to and admire her, and am proud to be part of her lineage, her daughter.

I love you mommy :)

Monday, July 27, 2009

FiReFLiEs :B

"Before you met me i was a fairy princess
I caught frogs and called them prince And made myself a queen
Before you knew me i traveled 'round the world
I slept in castles and fell in love Because i was taught to dream
I found mayonnaise bottles and poked holes on top
To capture tinkerbell
They were just fireflies to the untrained eye
But i could always tell

I believe in fairytales and dreamers dreams like bed sheet sails
And i believe in peter pan and miracles And anything i can to get by
And fireflies"
-Faith Hill

Well! I made it! :)I am currently in Bellefontaine, Ohio.
I made it through an incredibly hard semester packed with 20 credits and weekly long clinical hours. It was one of the most difficult and rewarding times in my life so far. I've learned so much.
But through that learning and endurance I felt I had started to lose much of who I was. I've always been a dreamer, but lately I've become more of a realist. The medical world changes people. I missed things like compassion and appreciation coming easy. I've learned so much and changed for the better, but I missed cultivating much of who I am and want to be.
So, I needed a bit of a break. :) The opportunity came to come out east for the summer break with my roomate Bethany and I am so glad I have. I miss home and the people there, but it has been a great break. :)

We endured a 29 hour car-ride across the wild west. :) I never thought so much land could look so identical!!!! Since arriving here I've attended a catholic wedding, LDS branch, learned that Buck-eyes are the best desert EVER! Better than Reeses Luna ;), chilled with the Amish (buggy crossing signs right across the street!;), gotten a Henna tatoo, Ridden horses (my favorite! They're right outside my window :) visited Michigan, milked a goat, and caught fireflies. :)

I've learned so much in so little a time. I've jumped off the 90 mile an hour conveyer belt of life and am soaking in the world around me. I love the church history here. You can feel it in the air. I love reading my scriptures, looking out my window to the wheat fields below, knowing Zion's camp marched through this very town, and so many key pieces of gospel and scripture were restored here. The Sacred Grove is so tangible. I love that everyone is welcome and loving, no matter religion, race, or way of life. I've learned to embrace those around me (quite literally, they are quite big on hugging here :) And I've loved every minute of it.

I'm grateful for this opportunity to re-catch a few of the fireflies in my life. :)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Life Beginning

I turned in my Graduation Application and can't fully express the emotions that came with it. A new chapter in my life is readily advancing and I'm antsy and excited all at once. I don't know what the next door in life will be. But I can't wait to open it. :)

I'm so grateful for BYU Idaho and the many memories and lessons it has brought me. I have loved my time here. I love the spirit of the campus, the people.

I'm grateful for the opportunity to grow closer to my family, to gain appreciation for them. For their help in my transition between childhood and adulthood. I'm so grateful to know they are always there. :)

I'm so grateful for my family at the Fire Department and the training I've recieved. Though this chapter in my life is soon ending, I will always remember my training, and the confidence and capability I've recieved.

I'm so grateful for my ward, for the first time in my life being so close to my Bishopric, my Relief Society girls, my opportunity to serve. It has strengthened me so much. I KNOW this gospel is true. I'm grateful for the opportunity to have it with me every hour of every day.

Though I'm not entirely sure what the purpose of these years of preparation have been for, I know that He has directed me in them. I am not scared of the future for I know He is in it. :)

I was watching my favorite movie again last week, and couldn't help but empathize this part yet again. :)
"I want so much more than this provincial life, I want adventure in the great wide somewhere, I want it more than I can tell. :)"

Let life begin!

Monday, February 16, 2009

My HaPpY LiSt

-Dreyer's Strawberry popcicles,
-Plane take offs and landings,
-Made Beds
-Bristol Road
-Being Barefoot,
-Fresh Oranges
-Campfires, roasting starbursts,
-Riding through the mountains on horseback
-Curling up under clean covers after shaving your legs
-Stadium lights
- Cache Valley's afterglow when it hits the mountainsin the summer right before sunset ...
-The atmosphere of the East Coast.
-The legacy and history of the United States...from our founding fathers.
-Driving with the windows down, the radio blaring and sunglasses on
-Cold Pillows
-The moments when you laugh and cry at the same time
-Warm summer rain
-Natural Ice Cherry Chapstick
-Checking off your to-do list
-Big Bear Hugs
-A Good worn in pair of jeans
-Ben & Jerry's Oatmeal Cookie Chunk Ice Cream :)
-Lights and sirens
-My baby blanket
-Kickin up some dirt, fourwheeling :)
-Swinging, you're never too old!
-Gordon B. Hinckley's voice
-Getting on the freeway, sitting in the drivers seat
-Fresh Pineapple
- Getting to the top of the mountain and sitting there for an hour looking at the view
-Ferris Wheels
-Brown eyes
-Chili's Chips and Salsa
-Spontaneous Road Trips
-Dancin in the rain
-Piggy Backs
-Le Nonne
-The 'ONE, TWO.... THREE' before the boat pulls you up above the water on a pair of Skiis
-Warm gooey Banana Bread
-Stage lights
-Running with all your might to the beat of a song
-Sushi (tempura rolls)
-Packing for Vacations
-Getting mail
-The innocent smile and giggle of a little kid
-Lipstick Roses
-Walking on campus knowing who you are and where you're going. Not just at the moment... but in life
-Spontaneously gettin dirty :) haha.. mud fights....and water fights, where everyone loses :) the time we fell in the pond, fourwheelin trips
-Night games on hot summer nights
-Listening to an amazing song on repeat all day long :)
-Getting a stamp in a passport
-The first and last day of school each year
-Sneaking out the back door at 3 am to sleep on the tramp with my little sis
-Doing something for someone they couldn't do for themselves
-Filling every moment with a memory.

Saturday, February 14, 2009



Every time I tell people what I'm going into, the first response is "how can you handle that?". I never know how to respond. It is such a bittersweet job, in every way possible. And yet, I woudn't have it any other way.

Why I chose it:

I've always dreamed of becoming a Doctor, ever since I was little. But being a girl, wanting a family, the schooling, among other reasons... it just wasn't feasable.
I did an internship at Treehouse Pediatrics in highschool and loved every mintue of it! I LOVE working with kids, and would love to use my knowledge and skill to help in developing countries. It was there that I learned about the Physician's Assistant field. With only two years of school (post bachelors), good pay and hours, and being able to practice like a doctor, it was perfect! It's been my goal ever since!
I finished my genereals in high school to get some schooling out of the way, but couldn't decide on a bachelor's degree?
Nursing made sense but didn't feel right? Health science Social Work or Chemistry also made sense, but I needed medical experience?
And then everything just came together. I watched the movie the Guardian, and felt an overwhelming sense of duty, then while at a PA society meeting when they discussed a new degree at BYUI, a Bachelors in Paramedicine. It just clicked. I wasn't sure I'd be able to handle it, but I knew it was right.

Being in the major I am has helped strengthen me in everyway possible.

Physically: I am more conscious of my health and ability, and always trying to improve

Socially: I have gained a FAMILY at the station, some of the best most admirable people I know. They continually guide and teach me, laugh and enjoy life, and help me when times are rough.

Spiritually and emotionally: I have never been closer to my Savior. I KNOW I could not do what I do EVERY DAY without him. It is beyond my capabilities. In IV training, in Fire training, in being at work, clinicals and school nonstop, in putting my calling first, and in being spiritually and emotionally capable to handle the calls and experiences I have to. He is constantly with me, and I am so grateful for that.

Having one of my best friends in high school killed in a car accident, has made me ponder a lot about what I do.
I have had many discussions with people about whether or not my job is even worth it, everything is in God's hands, and live or die, it is up to Him?

That is my role, to be His hands when He needs me, when a drunk driver runs a red light and someones daughter was not supposed to be hit.
And when it is their time to go, I have peace in knowing I did all I could, and our Heavenly Father called them home.

I bare testimony that ALL trials are for our good, if we see the good in them. They make us stronger, more humble, but most of all, they turn us to Him.

I see and witness experiences every day that testify of that.

Some time ago, while working in an ER, I had the experience of giving a death sentance, Terminal Cancer. I was so impressed with the response. Gratitude and humility were expressed rather than anger and resent. Inactivity turned into faith and then testimony.

My job reminds me EVERY DAY of my family, my friends, my health, my prosperity, my ability to use my talents to serve, my many blessings, and my Savior.

I am so grateful for it all.

A Whole Year!

Parker hit his one year mark. I'm so happy and proud of him. He's done so well and is working so hard. I can't believe how much time has gone by and how much has changed, but all for the better. :) I wouldn't have it any other way. I love that boy!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm a Newbie!

I'm not married, and have no kids, which is what most people use these for. :) But I'd like to try to keep a better journal. So whether or not anyone reads this, I appreciate the opportunity to write a bit down and document my life.
Let Blogging Begin! :)