Monday, September 28, 2009

My Hero

Garrett Elbert, who will forever by my adopted little brother

Through the years, we have all changed, grown, and come far in life. But no one has become a greater example in my life than this kid.
We met and became quick friends in 2006 when we grew a common dream to serve in Guatemala. Many people helped with the endeavor, but Garrett let it change his life.

I will never forget the plane ride home from our first time down here and the conversations that took place. Realizing how much he'd been through, and how he got to where he was. To be able to have just had the once in a lifetime experiences we had just had and knowing without a doubt that Heavenly Father's hand was in all we do. In the smiles we put on children's faces, the embraces from grateful mothers, and the bright light burning from our hearts when we realized our potential to serve those around us. How can anyone deny Him? I am so grateful for Him crossing our paths, and letting me meet my little brother and great friend.

Since that experience I have seen him grow so much! I have never met someone with such a pure heart and desire to give everything he has to serve those around him. He has made the decision to serve an LDS mission and I couldn't be more proud of him!

Love ya Bestie!

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