Monday, September 21, 2009

"What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies."

On September 6th 2007 Parker Scott Jeppesen changed my life :)

Since it happened a little over two years ago, it's been on my mind this week and I wanted to take the chance to focus on the blessings that have come into my life because of that day.

On September 3rd 2007 I was putting in my two weeks notice at Lee's Marketplace to move up to BYU-Idaho for my first semester. I knew of Park but had never really spent any time with him. He was starting work and still training. I remember taking my till to the checkstand next to him and feeling an 'emotional breath of fresh air' for lack of better words just being around him and laughing. He asked how to ring up pistachios and the rest was history :) It was like coming home. We all became quick friends and in a short period of time I cared for the Bristol boys as my own family.

It never mattered what we were 'doing', it was about the company and the memories. Mark Soffe became the older brother I never had (to this day I believe he gives the best hugs in the world), Mckay Nuttall could put a smile on your face no matter the situation, James Rohwer is one of the hardest workers I've ever met, and Parker taught me what it is to be pure in heart and to always look forward in life with a smile on your face.
I have never met a person with such a big heart, ability to include ANYONE, and to find the joy in every moment. I remember being sad during my first semester of college for missing Lauren's first date and dance. Without me having to say two words, He was on my porch with the comrades and baseball bats in tow, showing her date who was boss. :) It meant so much more to me than he will ever know.

Since that day he has only continued to amaze me. He is now serving an LDS mission in Hong Kong and I couldn't be more proud of him. He is constantly finding ways to improve in his life, create memories, and lift those around him. He never stops to think of himself. He is constantly moving forward and doing as he is asked. I am proud of him for being obedient in every aspect, big or small, for showing and feeling respect for those around him, and for always giving more than is required.

He is such an example to me and always will be. I will forever be grateful for the Bristol boy who changed my life. :)

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